A Suite of Resources to Help You Succeed

Building success, whether in your business or your career, requires more than a vision and hard work. To overcome inertia and accelerate toward your goal, you need the assistance and resources that only a comprehensive team effort can deliver. 

At Miami County Momentum, we work closely with municipalities in the county, organizations across our region, and statewide agencies to provide a comprehensive suite of services and expertise that can help you accelerate your career, expand your business or establish a new manufacturing division in Miami County. Working together, our team of local, regional and state organizations, both public and private, can help you find incentives and resources that bring your plans to fruition.
Do you need help finding experienced managers, machinists or nurses? We can help you find qualified candidates and post open positions on regional and statewide job boards. 

Are you evaluating your site selection options? Our county landbank offers properties ready for both new development and redevelopment. 

Are traditional finance and funding sources holding your project back? Working in conjunction with state and local governments, as well as our county port authority, we can help you identify financing options and incentives that can bridge the gap. 

Partners Invested in Your Success


Miami County Momentum offers you access to state and regional resources that will accelerate you on your path to accomplishment

Find Your Momentum

At Miami County Momentum, we are here to help you move forward, achieve growth and realize your vision of prosperity. Whether you are an employer, a soon-to-be employer, or a career seeker, we have resources to help you. 

Companies in Miami County

  • Miami County Economic Development
  • Department of Development